Getting a Loan
Establishing a good credit history is just the first step to applying for a loan. The second step is figuring out which type of loan you need.
Personal Credit
Whether you’re shopping for a new home, applying for a rental lease, buying a new car, or dealing with the unexpected consequences of divorce–it pays to have your own credit history.
Paying for Tuition
Ideally you’ve been saving for college ever since your child’s first birthday. If not, here are a few ways to supplement your college savings.
Buying a Car
Is it time to stop buying clunkers for cash and finance a brand new car of distinction? Here’s how.
Buying a Home
Buying a home is one of the biggest investments you’ll ever make, and this step-by-step guide can help you make home-buying decisions with confidence.
If your lender demands that you repay your loan or line of credit early, ask for an early payment discount. Most of the time they’re anxious to get loans like yours off the books and will do so at a savings to you.