Don’t Take Things Personally–Or Make Things Personal

Don’t Take Things Personally–Or Make Things Personal

It’s easy to assume that when someone rejects your idea or creates a roadblock, he or she is attacking you personally. In truth, these instances are rarely personal. Most people are just trying to do their jobs, but a curt response or disagreement is frequently and mistakenly interpreted as a personal affront.

Rather than letting the situation escalate by arguing over who’s right and who’s wrong, step back and realize that no one is out to get you. It’s not personal, and there’s nothing to be gained by turning your frustration into a battle with the individual who probably wants what you do–the right outcome in the least amount of time and with the least amount of confrontation.

By maintaining a professional demeanor and attitude, you maintain your dignity and allow the other person to do the same–whether or not you reach a mutually agreeable outcome.