Reduce Stress


Reduce Stress

By reducing your stress level, you’ll not only be happier and more productive, you’ll also feel better physically and mentally. Here are a few ways to lower your stress level:

  • Be flexible. Resist change only if it jeopardizes your accomplishments.
  • Go easy on yourself. Treat yourself as you would a valued friend or co-worker.
  • Budget more than enough time to complete tasks. One major source of stress is trying to do too much in a limited amount of time.
  • Give away some of your responsibilities at work and at home, then allow the other person to do things their way instead of yours. Attach importance to the outcome, not to how the job gets done.
  • Learn to say no. Respect your time as much as you respect everyone else’s. Figure out what’s critical and what’s just you being overly generous.
  • Make plans. Good time management helps to prepare for the unexpected.
  • Learn to communicate effectively. Good communication skills prevent misunderstandings–ultimately saving time and relieving pressure.
  • Eat well, get enough rest, and exercise regularly. Maintaining your health will prepare you to handle your responsibilities more effectively.
  • Get organized. Clutter causes stress and wastes time.