Ask Questions

Ask Questions

Want to know what’s on your employees’ minds? Want to know how you can become a better manager? Want to know what’s keeping your staff from meeting their quarterly objectives? The answer is simple: Ask.

Before you do, remember these caveats:

  • Don’t punish workers for being honest: If an employee says that you discourage your staff by using cutting remarks and sarcasm, don’t hold it against him or her. You should be grateful for their honesty, even if it’s difficult to accept.
  • Listen to the answers: There’s no sense in asking for input if you become defensive or cut the speaker off.
  • Make feedback a regular part of your interactions: Constructive feedback is most valuable if it’s received when you can still do something about the situation. By incorporating feedback into your regular interactions with your staff, you’ll be in a position to react to bad news before it’s too late to address.