S.T.E.P.S. - Smart, Tailored, Event-Driven, Packaged Solutions provided by Women's Financial Network at Siebert
Dealing with Divorce, Part
I -- Introduction
Rates are rising
Divorce is a fact of life for more and more American women today. - Studies now tell us that nearly half of all new marriages end in divorce.
- That translates to nearly 2.5 million divorced people in this country.
Women suffer financially
What's more, statistics show that women suffer far more financially than men do when a marriage dissolves. Consider the following: - One-fourth of all divorced women in America live at or below the poverty line.
- A woman's standard of living falls anywhere from twenty-seven percent to forty-five percent in the first year after a divorce, while a man's rises by an average of ten percent.
Protect yourself
Whether you're a stay-at-home mom or a well-compensated professional, divorce will undoubtedly change your financial outlook. There are steps you can take that will help you ease the transition from married to single person again and protect you and your family's interests.
The basics
We'll cover the basics here in class and help get you on your way to making smart choices and moving forward.
Continue to: Part II: Determining your net worth
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