Gender spender: Sex sets your money DNA
When it comes to money, men and women view it, spend it and invest it very differently. From birth, American women and men are raised to view and spend money quite differently.
The 7 ways men and women handle credit differently. Think men and women whip out their credit cards for different reasons? What about debt repayment ---- are there behavior variances?
A Couple's Guide to Managing Money Here are my top three money vows all couples need to exchange and embrace.
Families Under Fire
As the nation faces a collapsing economy, record job losses and a foreclosure crisis, is your marriage strong enough to survive? Dr. Phil shows how families can brave a financial firestorm.
Great Articles by Laurie Pawlik-Kienlen
Men, Women, and Money – 11 Different Ways of Seeing Money
Personal Finance Tips for Couples – Creating Financial Abundance
Attracting More Money in Love Relationships
How to Get Out of Debt for Newlyweds
How to Stop Lying About Money in Your Love Relationship
How to Talk Finances as a Couple – 7 Tips for Money and Love
What is a Prenup?
Simply put, a prenuptial agreement a document or pact signed before
your marriage that spells out how your assets will be divided in
the event of death or divorce.
Popping the "P" Word
Bringing up the topic of a prenuptial agreement with your future spouse might be the most important conversation you have before your wedding.
When is a prenuptial worth thinking about?
In today's world you do not have to be a billionaire to have a prenuptial agreement. It is legally advisable to create a prenuptial agreement if you have several hundred thousand dollars in assets.
1 in 4 women are broke within 4 months of a husband passing away. The average woman is widowed at age 56. Divorce can leave a women financially unstable.
Protect Your Credit
In most states, you and only you are responsible for the debt acquired on your individual accounts even if you're married.
Single Parenthood
Divorce and single parenthood are very common and have their own host of financial considerations and challenges.
The Finances of Divorce: How to Financially Plan for Independence
There are ways to plan for post-marriage financial stability, the most important of which is to insure that the divorce settlement itself is not only equal, but financially equitable as well. Knowing the difference can mean savings of thousands of dollars or more.
The Divorce Process
As a divorce approaches, you need to prepare yourself financially, both for the divorce process itself and afterwards. Essential steps are getting organized for the financial settlement and establishing your own credit history.
Dividing Debt in Divorce
There is evidence that couples' financial problems are linked to increased levels of stress, conflict, and marital duress, as well as decreased levels of marital satisfaction, which clarifies the reason why financial problems are frequently cited as a major reason for divorce.
Hiring an Attorney
Only fifteen percent of divorcing women are awarded any form of court-ordered spousal support.
The Five Mistakes Married Women Make
Here are five common financial mistakes married women make — along with some advice on how to avoid them.
Tips for Surviving Widowhood
Losing a spouse is undoubtedly one of life's most difficult times. In addition to the emotional and personal turmoil, there are also a number of serious financial decisions that must be made on order to maintain your own security. A comprehensive six step guide is provided her on MsMoney about widowhood.
Preparing for Widowhood
Women who avoid preparing for life as a widow only add to the pain of losing a spouse.