Today's workers face a business environment where the rules
have changed. Gone are the days when employees stayed with
one company for their entire careers and where their loyalty
was rewarded with job security and professional advancement.
Now companies--and employees--disappear overnight. The new
game is one of self-sufficiency, where theres no big
brother employer looking out for your best interests.
Employees are free agents, with sole responsibility for directing
their own growth paths and careers.
To make yourself an indispensable worker, you must constantly
reevaluate your strengths and weaknesses, check your progress
against your long-term career goals, and see how you can acquire
the skills necessary for moving higher on the corporate ladder.
If you are consistent in these steps, youll always have
a desk--and a paycheck--to call your own.
Take it upon yourself to figure out where you can and need
to improve.
Want to improve your work and social lives? Do more work in
less time.
"People skills"--they never go out of style, and
they can always use polishing.
Managers are made, not born.