Dealing with People
Unless you plan on a career as a mail carrier or a poet,
youre probably going to have to learn to deal with people
successfully in order to move ahead. And interpersonal skills
can be among the toughest to master. Even if youve successfully
negotiated difficult relationships with roommates, friends,
and siblings, learning to manage potential interpersonal minefields
on the job is an entirely new skill set.
Unlike your family and friends, your office mates dont
have emotional ties to you and therefore dont have the
same incentive to accommodate or compromise. Moreover, its
not always clear who holds the power. In relationships that
should consist of equal peers, according to the organization
chart, one person frequently wields unofficial weight in the
company. Other times, bosses behave more like employees. Making
your way through these potentially sticky situations requires
intelligence, tact, and professionalism.
There are 3 main groups of people with whom youll come
into contact, regardless of your particular job:
Dealing with Co-workers
Dealing with Managers
Dealing with Employees