Caring for Parents
Family Matters
Talking About Finances with Aging Parents
By Ellen Rogin
Talking about money, under the best of circumstances, makes
most people uncomfortable. Talking to your aging parents about
their finances can be particularly difficult. Children are
afraid to appear controlling or impatient to receive their
inheritances, while parents are reluctant to surrender their
autonomy or confront their mortality. Not discussing this
vital issue, however, can lead to significant and irreversible
trouble down the road.
By respecting the emotional charges that surround this situation,
you might consider introducing the topic by saying, "It's
important for me to understand your financial situation in
case I need to step in and help in the future," or "What would
be the best way for me to help you with your finances if something
were to happen to you?"
Once you and your parents have agreed to discuss their financial
situation, make sure you cover the following areas:
- Location of financial records: Create a list
of all your parents' assets and other important documents
and where they can be found. This list should include: brokerage
and savings accounts; life insurance policies; annuities;
wills and trust agreements; burial instructions; property
and casualty insurance; credit cards; tax returns; auto
ownership records; birth certificates; and safe deposit
box number, bank address, and key location; and safe combination.
As you compile the list, it's a good idea to note the date
of purchase and cost of assets as this information will
be required for the tax basis if assets must be sold as
your parents age.
- Powers of attorney: According to Kerry Peck,
a Chicago-based attorney specializing in estate planning
and elder law issues: "Any discussion is incomplete without
addressing the need for durable powers of attorney for property
and health care." The power of attorney for property will
allow you to make financial decisions for your parent if
they become incapacitated or incompetent. The health care
power of attorney delegates the ability to make health care
decisions in the event your parent is unable to decide for
themselves. This document often articulates a person's wishes
regarding life support. "The use of the durable powers,"
adds Peck, "will ultimately save the family substantial
expense and emotional trauma and enable them to manage the
family's financial and medical matters without court intervention."
For more information, visit MsMoney.com's Powers
of Attorney section.
- Estate planning: Powers of attorney do not eliminate
the need for wills or the appropriate trusts. These documents
are critical to ensuring that your parents' assets transfer
according to their wishes. People don't like to think about
death and may not want to spend money to plan for it properly.
If estate planning is not done, however, the courts will
decide for your parents how their assets will be distributed.
You should urge your parents to contact an attorney who
specializes in estate planning to help them prepare the
necessary documents and, hopefully, to help them reduce
estate taxes.
For more information, visit MsMoney.com's Wills
and Trusts section.
- Investments: Discussing your parents' investments
should include their asset allocation, the safety of the
principal, and the income generated. Do your parents have
sufficient assets to take care of the needs for their remainder
of their lives? This information is especially important
because it may influence your own long-term planning. If
you are concerned that your parents lack adequate assets,
you may need to start planning now to assist them in the
- Long-term care planning: What if one or both
of your parents needs to enter a nursing home? Depending
on their situation, long-term care insurance may be appropriate
to help absorb the expense of nursing home or at-home care.
There may be other strategies available to mitigate the
potentially large nursing home costs. According to Peck,
"If done far enough in advance, Medicaid planning can be
used to benefit both the family and the parent going into
a nursing home." For advice on this type of planning and
to address your family's particular concerns, contact an
attorney who specializes in elder law issues.
It is never too early for you to begin discussing money with
your parents, and the benefits are twofold. You will be helping
your parents prepare for their future while their experience
will teach you to prepare for yours.