Savings Corner
Cut your bills in half with a little help from Ms.Money. Learn how to Live Your Life at Half the Price by downloading the free Ms.Money's ebook that has numerous savings tips.
Expenses & Cash Flow
Though they may not be fun to create, budgets are a necessary evil if you want to get your spending under control. And the key to successful budgeting is spending less than you earn.
Budget Management
You've estimated and determined your cash flow--now what? Cash flows can be kind of exciting. Those lists of itemized spending and percentages of total spending are the key to accumulating wealth and fulfilling your financial goals.
Managing Daily Finances
When you see the phrase "financial planning," it's easy to first visualize long-range plans and future earnings, mapping out your financial road in terms of miles, not steps. But money management isn't just about dealing with what's coming up, it's also about controlling finances every day. Learning to recognize where your money is going each day can help you reach goals and smooth your financial path.
Women buy 85% of the household purchases. It only makes sense that women should create the family budget and stick to it.
Preparing Your Family Budget
If your family is floundering financially, it may be time to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and make up a family financial plan. Consumer Credit Counseling Service suggests keeping the following tips in mind when developing your family budget:
7 Ways to Control Your Emotional Spending
Some people shop because they're unhappy … or giddy, or anywhere in between. But retail therapy can leave your budget in sad shape.
A Woman's Guide to Managing Money
Personal finances can be a perplexing subject, however, at the root of our economic troubles is one simple fact: Many Americans are living beyond their means and just can't pay their bills anymore.
Prince Charming Doesn't Live Here Anymore: Budgeting Basics
"Some day, my Prince will come" goes the song. But what if he came - and went -- and took half of everything with him? That's the dilemma of the woman on her own again. And once bitten, twice shy, she may not want to rush into a new marriage
Going Green For Women on a Budget
Save Money and Be Eco-friendly with Simple Changes in Daily Life. A woman can make a significant impact within a modest budget..