Authors of Financial Books
for Women
Dr. Judith Briles
Author of 10
Smart Money Moves for Women Sabotage
and Conflict in the Workplace * Confidence Communications
* Leadership * Change Gender Issues * Money are topics that
Dr. Judith Briles presents from her 28 years of business and
entrepreneurial experiences. She is an award winning and best
selling author of 20 books, a media personality, an international
motivational speaker and consultant who delivers her programs
with content and humor on workplace issues. Recognized as
an expert on workplace issues and their solutions for identifying
and confronting conflict and sabotage in today's workplace,
she has been called the "Sabotage Doctor" by many of her clients.
Dr. Briles first book on sabotage, Woman to Woman, was named
the Chicago Tribune's Business Book of the Year. She emphasizes
common sense strategies that are adaptable in both personal
and business environments. Along with her expertise in conflict,
sabotage and rebuilding confidence, she is also a best selling
author and speaker in the financial arena (prior to dedicating
her full time to speaking, writing and research, Judith was
a stockbroker and financial planner for 14 years and has written
10 books on money). Her speaking calendar is usually sold
out by March of each year due to the substantial demand for
her speaking and consulting services. She is a repeat expert
on MSNBC, CNN and CNNfn.
- What led you to write this book?
10 Smart-Money Moves for Women is the continuation of my desire to educate
women (and men) about the basics of money and investing. It's written in an
easy reading format, uses actual stories that the reader can relate to and is
loaded with practical hands-on information that will make any reader's money
life simplified.
- What do you feel to be the biggest challenge facing women today when
handling their finances?
Getting over some of the old legacies that continue to be passed down--i.e.,
there are millions of homes in America that still practice the taboo of not
talking about money--with couples and with kids. Women want
information--they are still stymied by where to get it and who to trust. The
reality is, trust yourself, follow your gut, open your eyes and ears.
Expertise will come, but only with practice. It's not an overnight adventure.
- How has the atmosphere changed for women investors in the last 10
Politics have actually played an important role. In the last major election,
everyone wanted the soccer mom as a vote--that soccer mom comes in all sizes,
ages, experiences. In the past year, an aggressive marketing effort has been
directed toward women--women who work for pay and those who don't. Either
way, they handle a lot of money. With many women involved in all the dot coms
, incredible amounts of money have been made via the IPO route. Women are
learning that having money can be very powerful.
- How will the atmosphere change for women investors in the next 10
It will get better....but only if women continue to speak up, learn,
participate in money decisions and take action. When their chosen money
strategies work, learn and expand. When they don't, learn and continue.
Don't get stuck, mistakes will happen.
- Where did you start your career and how did it lead you to where you
are today?
I started as a secretary with a regional stock broker in Southern
California; then became registered and worked for a top producing broker. At
this time, I went through a divorce and got fired from my position because my
about to be Ex was quite a twit in harassing the manager of the firm I worked
for. Several of the clients (all men) were so angry, that they passed the
hat, took me to lunch and literally said, "We are pissed--you are smarter than
most of the brokers here....you should be one to. We have raised $1,000,
bought you an airline ticket to San Francisco to interview with firms there.
You need to get out of here."
I listened to them, assessed my situation and decided that Southern
California was too small for my Ex and I. Within a week, I was on a plane,
interviewed with several firms and was hired by the Palo Alto office of EF
Hutton as their first woman broker.
I was with Hutton for 5 years, left to start my own company in financial
planning and knew in the early eighties that I wanted to go full time into
the speaking and writing fields. In 1986, I sold my company and became a
full time speaker and writer.
- How much money do you need to start investing?
$100--you can buy a few shares of stocks--most mutual funds will allow you to
participate at $100 a month (I know a few that will take less), if the money
is withdrawn from a checking or savings account automatically. I think this
is an excellent way to start a lifetime invest strategy. Do it for both
personal investing as will as retirement.
- How should a woman get started investing with no investment
Gradually. Read some books--10 Smart Money Moves for Women has an excellent
chapter on investing in stocks and mutual funds. Brokerage firms and mutual
fund companies give seminars often (granted, they do this to get new
clients)--which gives good information on a variety of topics. The Internet
is a terrific resource with several websites on different money issues.
Start gradually--again, mutual funds are an ideal beginning point
- If a woman has debt, at what point should she become an investor?
she pays it off (mortgages, student loans excluded). The objective is to get
rid of credit card balances. If she has access to a 402(k) and 503(b) plan
through her work, participate in them.
- Have you published any other books before this one? If so, what are
The Dollars and Sense of Divorce, Smart Money Moves for Kids, Money Sense,
Financial Savvy for Women, Money Phases, Faith and Savvy Too., etc...
- What are your future book writing plans?
Working on a series of
Smart Money Moves books over the next two years.