Many people's first job search inclination is to check the
want ads, send out a few resumes and make a couple of phone
calls. But even in today's economy, with the lowest unemployment
in recent history, it could take your sending out 100-500
resumes in order to land a single interview--not to mention
securing an actual job.
But thanks to the wonders of the Internet and a burgeoning
career management industry, you have many more options than
yesterday's approach of poring over the "Help Wanted"
section of the Sunday paper.
Friends, family, former co-workers, your step-aunt's gardener's
No one should be overlooked as a potential
source of information about available jobs.
Your local paper as well as papers from around the country
list job openings daily.
Everyone's doing it--shouldn't you?
What are the different kinds and how can they help?
Career centers are your one-stop career management shops.
These gathering of employers take place several times a
year in most cities. Learn how to make the most out of having
all your prospects in one place.
The bull's eye approach to job searches.