To Temp or Not to Temp: The Quiz
Answer "true" or "false" to the following
questions to see if you're suited for temp work:
I enjoy learning new things and meeting new people;
routines bog me down.
The idea of eating lunch by myself makes me cringe.
When going somewhere new, I always make someone else
read the map and figure out the best route.
I often return clothing that I bought on sale because
when I get it home, it just doesn't look like I thought
it was going to.
I've had more roommates than I can remember--somehow,
we never seem to "click."
I always hated group projects in school; I'd rather
figure it out on my own.
I do my best work when I'm put on the spot, such
as pop quizzes or oral presentations.
Scoring: one point for each true on questions 1, 4,
6 and 7; one point for false on questions 2, 3, 5.
0-2 points: Unless you have the opportunity to stay
in one position or with one company for an extended period
of time, you may want to forgo the idea of temping. You work
best when you can learn the ropes slowly, becoming part of
the social and professional network.
2-4 points: You can probably handle temping, but look
for longer-term jobs (two weeks or more) where you'll have
the opportunity to find your rhythm before getting moved around.
5-7 points: You're the perfect temp employee--you're
independent, confident, and enjoy trying new things. In fact,
make sure that any permanent position you accept offers you
plenty of variety so you don't get bored.