Risk Reduction Strategies
"Risk is uncertainty, and in uncertainty lies opportunity.
Without uncertainty, there's little chance to profit."
- Lorayne Fiorillo, author of
Financial Fitness in 45 Days
The best antidote for risk is to make enough money so as
to insulate yourself from any type of poverty or financial
insecurity. If you are a person of limited means, the only
way to do this is to invest for long-term wealth.
But along the way, there are a few basic rules of investing
that can help protect your portfolio from investment risks:
- Education: Take the time to learn what you don't
know. Ask lots of questions, and never walk away unclear.
If you don't fully understand, you will probably put off
making a decision. The only way to combat risk is to make
informed decisions and take action.
- Diversification: Spread out the money you invest
among various types of asset classes and holdings. This
strategy helps offset temporary losses of some securities
because, in a well-diversified portfolio, it is likely that
something is performing well.
Equities: To combat inflation risk, you'll need
to invest in growth-oriented securities. That means stocks,
which have historically outperformed every other type of
investment. Just how large a portion you should invest in
equities is best determined by your investment goals, time
horizon, and tolerance for market risk.
- Professional Help: You should seek the help of
professionals via two different routes. First, find a good
financial advisor you can trust. He or she will help you
determine things like how much of your portfolio should
be in equities, whether or not you'll benefit from various
tax breaks, how well you'll emotionally weather stock market
downturns, and recommend specific investments.
Second, you may use professional money managers to manage
the day-to-day buy and sell decisions. The best way to tap
these professionals is by investing in a mutual fund or
variable annuity, where professional money managers manage
the underlying investments.
- Tax Deferral: This is a bona fide weapon against
risks like inflation and living too long. By investing in
a tax-deferred vehicle, you avoid paying capital gains taxes
each year and that allows your investment to grow faster
over time. Of course, you will eventually have to pay taxes
when you withdraw the money. You can also benefit from not
paying taxes by buying and holding stocks. You only incur
capital gains taxes when you sell.
- Stagger Investments and Withdrawals: To protect
yourself against poor timing at either the front end or
the back end of the investment cycle, put money in or take
money out gradually. Regular, gradual investing provides
you with the lower cost opportunities of dollar cost averaging.
At the other end, staggered redemptions allow you to cash
out strategically, starting with investments that are at
all-time highs while avoiding those going through temporary
price drops, giving them more time to recover.