Women's Health Care Issues
A new national survey of women on their health finds that a substantial percentage of women cannot afford to go to the doctor or get prescriptions filled.
Primary Health Care Reform and Women
A few lessons we can learn from our neighbor (Canada) on health care reform for women. Given that women are both the majority of the users of the health care system and the majority of health care providers, how can reforms be made to work for all women — no matter where they live, what their income levels, education, language or health issue, sexual orientation or level of physical disability?
What is Long-Term Care Insurance? Wikipedia states: it helps provide for the cost of long-term care generally not covered by health insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid.
Long Term Care Insurance: Is It for You?
Avoiding Fraud When Buying Long-Term Care
A Guide For Consumers And Their Families
What is Disability Insurance? Wikipedia states: It insures the beneficiary's earned income against the risk that disability will make working (and therefore earning) impossible.
Do You Need Disability Insurance?
One third of all Americans between the ages 35 and 65 will become disabled for more than 90 days with the majority of long-term absences due to illnesses, such as cancer and heart disease.
How much life insurance do I need?
Most people want enough life insurance to make sure their family can continue to live their current lifestyle even if a breadwinner passes away. Use this online calculator to find out.
Why should a woman buy life insurance?
To protect his family, replace lost income if he dies, provide for his own retirement security, and a number of other reasons. Life insurance pays off mortgages, funds college educations if the income earner can't be there, and guarantees that the spouse won't have to sell the home or otherwise suffer a severe drop in standard of living.
Women make 68% more out of pocket costs for health insurance than men do. Women are also less likely to obtain life insurance. Women's auto insurance can be less.
Obama's Health Care 2010 Reform Bill is passed: What does it mean for women?
A ban on higher insurance premiums for women, a requirement of coverage of maternity care, and an option for children to remain on their parents' health insurance plan until age 26.
Mistakes People Make Buying Insurance A catastrophic loss can scuttle any financial plan, and bring your savings to its knees. You need insurance to protect yourself against medical costs, sudden loss of life, and loss of property or earning power.
Women's Health Insurance Coverage: Fact Sheet
The patchwork of different private sector and publicly-funded programs in the U.S. leaves nearly one in five non-elderly women uninsured.
Women and Health Insurance: Falling Through the Cracks?
Women have more complex health needs than men. In addition to pregnancy and related reproductive health needs, women also have a higher incidence of chronic illness for which they need ongoing medical treatment (38 percent of women versus 30 percent of men).
Infertility treatment insurance hard to come by
Infertility affects roughly 7.3 million Americans and carries a steep emotional price. But the high price tag of infertility begins to sink in when you realize your group health insurance policy may not cover the cost of the expensive treatment.
9 Ways to Lower Your Auto Insurance Costs:
Insurance Information Institute
You may not realize it, but the insurance rates you pay for your car can vary dramatically depending on the insurance company, agent or broker you choose, the coverages you request and the kind of car you drive. Listed below are a number of things you can do right now to lower your insurance costs.
Travel Insurance
As you make all the careful plans for this summer's vacation, don't forget about insurance. Making sure your vacation is properly insured can mean the difference between incredible memories and the trip you'd like to forget.