S.T.E.P.S. - Smart, Tailored, Event-Driven, Packaged Solutions provided by Women's Financial Network at Siebert
Widowhood, Part I -- Introduction
According to the AARP, of the estimated 13 million widowed Americans, more than 11 million of them are women. What's more, approximately 500,000 of these women lost their husbands before the age of 55.
Losing a spouse is undoubtedly one of life's most difficult times. In addition to the emotional and personal turmoil, there are also a number of serious financial decisions that must be made on order to maintain your own security.
After being with your partner for so long, the idea of standing alone can be
terrifying. If you are like many women, your spouse may have
managed the bulk of your finances, so even finding the papers
can be overwhelming. But, tackling the complex money issues
you will now face is crucial to your financial viability for
years to come. It is important that you recognize that your
economic needs as a widower will differ greatly from what
they were as a married person, and that making the corresponding
adjustments to your financial plan is a key part of this transition.
As unlikely as it may seem, you can take the reins and learn to control your family's finances in the wake of the loss of your spouse. In this class we will cover the basics to help get you through this time and emerge with your finances and peace-of-mind in order.
Continue to: Widowhood II: Gathering Information
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