How to Stop Fighting Over Money
By Katie Sweeney
For the first six years of their marriage, Denise and her
husband rarely fought about money. But last year, after their
first child was born, and Denise cut back to part-time work,
the squabbles started.
Her husband "wants to save every penny," Denise says. She
wants to save for tomorrow, too, but not so much that she
can't enjoy today. In their pre-baby life, they could sock
away cash and still have plenty of fun money left. "We each
got what we wanted," she says. "Now I make less and we cost
more. Now it's save or have fun, so we're butting heads."
Dueling over dollars is a common problem in marriages--and
a common cause of divorce, says Ruth L. Hayden, a financial
educator and author of For Richer, Not Poorer: The Money
Book for Couples. There's endless room for conflict: How
much should we spend on a car, house or haircut? Should we
invest in stocks or stash cash in savings accounts? How much
debt is OK? And who decides?
But financial feuds don't have to be the norm. There's no
quick fix for fighting, but experts suggest taking the following
- Understand your money beliefs. Your attitudes toward
money, usually formed in childhood, control how you act
with money, Hayden says. For example, you may feel, "There's
never enough money" or "If I want something, I deserve to
get it." Once you identify those beliefs and how you got
them, you can better understand each other. "This is about
learned differences," she says. "You're arguing because
you approach things differently."
- Stop blaming. If you don't stop blaming, you won't
stop fighting, Hayden warns. "You each have to take equal
responsibility for your financial situation and for fighting,"
she says. But what if it's your husband who ran up the credit
card bills? It doesn't matter--stop pointing fingers. When
couples stop blaming, "it changes everything," she says.
"Otherwise, you can't get out of the past."
- Call a money meeting. Steven Pybrum, a CPA, couples
therapist, and author of Money and Marriage: Making It
Work Together, suggests holding weekly meetings and
starting with a 10-minute time limit. Set an agenda and
stick to it, and stop when the time is up, he recommends.
And remember: no blaming.
- Put it in writing. At your meetings, draft a budget
and cash flow statement. "It's like going on a diet," says
Victoria Collins, a financial planner, psychologist, and
author of Couples and Money. "You hate to step on
the scale, but if you come up with a concrete action plan,
it's easier to follow through." Creating a budget helped
Denise and her husband cool their money clashes. But it
wasn't easy. First, they drafted a budget of what they should
be spending, and then later compared what they'd actually
spent. "We'd spent way more," Denise says. "It was really
depressing. I said, 'I can't live like this!'" Still, they
sat down and worked out a new budget. "Put it on paper,"
she advises. "Just having an agreement helps."
- Dig deeper than your wallet. Are you really fighting
about money? One of Collins' clients constantly fought with
her husband over the money he paid to his ex-wife and kids.
In truth, she was hurt he wasn't paying much attention to
her children. "It looked like a money issue," Collins says,
"but underlying the problem was a much deeper one."
- Seek help. Sometimes you need a neutral third party,
Collins says. Consider seeing a financial planner trained
in mediation, a psychologist, or marriage therapist.
Money doesn't have to ruin your marriage; instead, it can
strengthen the bond by teaching you how to work as partners,
Hayden says. "The thing that has torn people apart," she says,
"can actually bring them together."